Your brain is infinitely clever.
It wants to keep us safe, and it wants to keep us going.

When something prevents us from doing a movement task the way we used to be able to - such as an injury - the brain doesn't just give up.
Instead, it finds and deploys all matter of compensation patterns to help your body achieve what it needs to achieve. To keep you doing what we need to do to the best of your ability.
It does that through recruiting muscle helpers. Typically, there are muscles that share similar functions - like lifting a leg, for instance (called hip flexion). There are several hip flexors. If one is injured, another takes up the slack.
So we now have a pair - one muscle is inhibited, one is compensating and increasing its activity load.
Over time, the injury will have healed, but the body gets used to the new way of working around the old problem, and oftentimes the pattern remains. Longer term, it's a problem, as the overworking partner gets exhasted. Another compensation potential needs to be laid around it to help you keep going.
So if the original injury and compensations around it are the centre of an onion, we start growing more and more layers around it.
The dysfunctional muscles are all tense, tight, having lost their natural springiness. But most of the time, we feel the tightness and pain in the overworking, exhausted structures - not those at the well-protected centre of all those layers.
This is what we look for in NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) - we find such paired structures and rebalance them. Give the overworking chap a break, and bring the underworking one back from its vacation.
NKT works directly with your brain's motor control centre - it uses applied neurological protocols to untangle these compensations PERMANENTLY. It deploys no guesswork, relying instead on testing responses from the body. Can the body meet specific movement challenges? It is safe to move in this way, is it safe to touch a particular area, or is there perceived danger there that needs to be cleared first?
In that, it differs completely from other types of bodywork that use guesswork and typically chase pain - rub out where it hurts. In NKT, we don't just rub out where it hurts, or where we feel tension - we seek to find out WHY it is tense, and address the reasons behind it.
Have a look at some examples of what we can achieve with NKT sessions. These were achieved through just 1 session. Photos shared with permission from clients.

To give your body a thorough MOT, give me a call and let's chat NKT and applied neurology to get your body and brain optimised!
To your health, Kaye