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Hypopressives for a Healthier Pelvic Floor

Kaye Woodgate

I love to share new stuff with you here. Today, I would love to tell you more about Hypopressives and how they benefit pelvic floors.

Some of us have troubles with our pelvic floors at certain times in our lives. Most frequently, it can be post childbirth, or with the menopause. However there can be other risk factors - stress and tension, constipation and resulting straining, high impact sports or weight gain can also play a role.

It is a frustrating condition to have, but luckily, the days of this area being a complete taboo to discuss are past us now, and more people are seeking solutions rather than suffer in embarassed silence.

There are many things that can be done to help - kegels is not the first thing that comes to my mind! Here is one that is so useful - read on...

Introducing Hypopressives!

Hypopressives is a workout routine that is coupled with a special type of breathing that creates negative pressure in our pelvic cavity. How cool is that!

This negative pressure almost sucks up the pelvic floor and the pelvic organs, creating a lightening effect. It can therefore help coax pelvic floor organs back into a better place if they have descended downwards for whatever reason.

This practice also activates muscle fibers within our pelvic floor that are not necessarily under our conscious control. And our pelvic floor is full of such fibers - we really don't want to think about consciously supporting the weight of our organs all day long - so these muscles have to work automatically. Or perhaps we question whether they work automatically and efficiently when we have issues like prolapse or incontinence.

Hint - they do work automatically and efficiently. Our body is actually always at its most efficient at any given point in time. Perhaps the pelvic floor muscles are not allowed to work better than they do at present by some other restriction - for instance, the way we breathe, or by our posture.

But either way, we often can't "squeeze our way" out of this issue, like Kegels practice would have you think is guaranteed. As with Kegels, we tend to squeeze and exercise the sphincter muscles, and not the actual pelvic floor tissues. And there is a big difference between the two.

Hypopressives are fun to learn but they do sometimes require a bit of coaching to get right, so I will be putting on some sessions to get people practicing this new skill.

I will be bringing you these new sessions very soon this autumn - watch this space - and drop me a message to register your interest or to get further info.

To your health,


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