Breathing for inner peace and pain relief
Today, let's find 5-10 minutes for focus on your inner self. This practice will Breathing for inner peace and pain relief
Today, let's find 5-10 minutes for focus on your inner self. This practice will bring

you a greater sense of calm and peace. If you have chronic pain, some people will find help through this too.
Find a place where you won't be distracted. Lie down in a comfortable position, with knees bent if that's better, or sitting in a chair, upright but not stiff, or even cross-legged if your flexibility allows it.
Focus on your breath. The breath going in, and breath going out. Feel its quality - colder when inhaling, warmer when exhaling. Feel the sense of your body contacting the surfaces, deepening that connection, relaxing into this feeling of being grounded.
When you are ready, start inhaling for a count of 5, and exhaling for 5. Continue feeling connected to the surfaces wherever you are contacting them, and keep being aware of breath. That, and nothing else. Let go of your thoughts, let them float like clouds out of your awareness with no attachment.
If the count of 5 seems too challenging, start with 4.
Add a pause in between the breaths. It might be a short pause to start off with, or extend it up to 5 counts. A pause after the inhale, and a pause after the exhale.
Carry on for several breath cycles keeping your awareness with the practice.
In time, we learn to let go of any other thoughts and really tune into our body and breath. It might feel difficult initially, but like any other skill, patience and repetition brings about results.
When you are ready, return your breath back to normal and observe the changes in your body and mind.
If you are struggling with chronic pain and are looking for ways to address your musculo-skeletal issues, send me a message to see how I can help.
Have a wonderful day,
Image credit - Saffu